Saturday, March 1, 2025


The Pawtucket Arts Collaborative is proud to announce that our Fall Member Show, Pandemonium is now live.


First Place

Peter Campbell

Noontime at McDonald’s


PAC chose to keep this show virtual rather than in person, mindful of Governor Gina Raimondo’s orders concerning the size of indoor gatherings. We also know that there are many who are concerned about the possibilities of contracting the COVID-19 virus.

Second Place

Bonnie Jaffe

Plexi Party

Pandemonium shows work created by members during the pandemic. Some works directly reference the pandemic. Others are wonderful landscapes, portraits, assemblages and so on. Still others comment upon the current turmoil in the US.

Third Place

Mimo Gordon Riley

Covid Clamor

You can review all of the works at this link:

There are links to each page of the exhibition at the top and bottom for easier navigation. 

Most of the work is for sale in our online shop. You can find the store here at:

We are also proud to announce the winners of First, Second and Third Place awarded by noted artist Joan Hausrath* For more details on the prize winners, check out the Pandemonium page link.

Prizes for Honorable Mention will be announced at a later date.
Pandemonium will be on display through November 14th. We hope you’ll enjoy it.

Juror Joan Hausrath holds an MFA in Printmaking from Bowling Green (OH) State University and an MA in the History of Art from Ohio State University.

After more than 30 years of teaching, Hausrath retired from the Art Department of Bridgewater State University in Massachusetts where she taught printmaking, design and art history.

She now maintains a studio in Pawtucket, RI where she practices non-toxic printmaking.