Thursday, March 6, 2025


From the desk of Beth Lindstrom

Dear Friend,
I hope this letter finds you and your families safe and healthy,
I am writing to you today to ask you to get out and vote for Kevin O’Connor running in the Republican primary on Tuesday, September 1st for U.S. Senate. He needs your vote and support.  Please tell your neighbors, adult children, friends and anyone who does not want our federal leaders to go further left.


Kevin will work as a coalition builder to achieve sustainable solutions. He will be a champion for safe communities and not sanctuary cities. Kevin will fight our free enterprise system and believes in economic innovation. He will stand up to deficit spenders in both parties and promote fiscal responsibility. Kevin supports a “peace through strength” approach in foreign policy and believes firmly in term limits.


I was Campaign manager for Scott Brown’s first election.  I have witnessed when voters say enough and push back on ideas that the majority disagree with.  Now is the time and it is critical, more than ever, that we have a leader like Kevin in Washington representing us.  But he needs your vote in the Tuesday, September 1st primary for U.S. Senate. 


Let’s get Kevin ready for the general election and please consider a donation to get him off and running against the Democrat nominee. 


Early voting has started so please make a point to vote for Kevin.  It matters.

Thank you,

Beth Lindstrom

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