Saturday, March 8, 2025


The Transmittal


Colleagues, Partners, and Friends,

This week’s schedule includes 2 CE opportunities this Wednesday, our weekly CE presentation (architectural acoustics), and a special offering from AIA National: Architecture in Turbulent Times: Equity, Environment, Health, & Economy .

The firm survey link for the 2020 AIA New England Friendly Firm Award is still live, 2-weeks left. Pettigrew ARE Scholarship applications are due this week.

The 2020 AIA-RI Golf Classic is closer yet: Monday, 9/14 is almost a month away.

As always, if there is a specific program, event, action or direction you would like to see the Chapter take, please reach out to me ( ) or a Board member, to share your ideas so they may be included in the upcoming discussion on 2021 committee charges and budget. Equally helpful would be knowing if you are interested in leading or participating in that effort as well.

Have a great abbreviated week!


Jonathan Matthew Taylor, AIA

LLB Architects

President, AIA Rhode Island

The AIA Member’s Risk Management Library

The AIA Trust continually develops and gathers publications on topics to help you manage risk in your practice. Scroll below to see the many reports, guides, articles, webinars, and other materials that can assist you. Check back often as new ones are frequently added!

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