Sunday, March 9, 2025


Dear TYT Families, Friends and Alumni:

This week marks the end of our 24th season, and while it certainly looked different than any of our previous seasons, I am so very proud of how the TYT community has worked together to ensure our programming continued through the spring and summer.

Over the past 6 weeks we have proven that online theatre is more than workable, and our directors Mr. Eric Langmeyer and Mr. Patrick McCrossan have risen to the challenge of making it worthwhile, engaging and meaningful to our actors. While I am heartbroken we didn’t get to perform our winter productions, nor give our members of the Class of 2020 the usual send-off, I remain optimistic that we will be able to gather for live theatre soon.

For the past 20 years, the auditorium and music room at Thacher School in Attleboro have been our base of operations. Sadly, this will not be the case moving forward. Understanding that there is a need to maximize teaching and learning space in the school due to the COVID-19 crisis, the Attleboro School Department has asked TYT to find another place to call home. We have been extraordinarily lucky to have had such an accommodating and supportive a partner in the Attleboro Schools for the past two decades.

Now… I’m not sure if any of you have ever moved out of a home you’ve been in for 20 years… but *THAT* is our next project, and it’s a big one.

On Saturday, August 15th we will be movin’ out of Thacher and putting things on a truck to bring to the Scene Shop across town, while simultaneously loading an additional storage pod. In addition to all of our equipment, supplies, tools, etc., there’s still a set on stage from our cancelled March productions!

BUT – we need some help. We’re looking for a medium-sized crew of people to help starting at 9:00 a.m. to assist with packing, moving and storing. Masks will be required, all helpers must be over the age of 18, and everyone will need to fill out a self-certification health form prior to working. If you’re able to attend, even for a little bit – we would love your help.

A sign-up form can be found HERE

Hundreds of actors and thousands of patrons have experienced what Triboro Youth Theatre is all about. I’m reminded of the song from “Mary Poppins Returns” where she sings, “The cover is not the book.” TYT is not the physical space, but rather it’s the stories we tell, the actors who tell them,  and the community that spreads them far and wide.

We are hard at work planning for next season (our 25th!!) – and no matter where we are, I hope to see you there to help us tell the story.


“For out of what we live and we believe,
Our lives become the stories that we weave.”
  Once On This Island

Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay well.

My best to you and your families,

Dave Renoni
Executive Director