Wednesday, March 19, 2025


Neighbors in Dialogue: Listening To And Learning From Each Other  

Wednesday, July 22, 6- 8 pm


A virtual community discussion on racism and antiracism centered on Ibram X. Kendi’s ideas in the books, Stamped From the Beginning and Stamped: Racism, Antiracism and You will take place on Wednesday, July 22, from 6-8 pm.


Reverend Cheryl Harris will moderate a large group discussion, followed by small group discussions led by trained facilitators. Cheryl Harris, M.Div., is the pastor of First Baptist Church and a seasoned consultant, executive coach, manager and workshop facilitator with more than 25 years of business experience in diverse environments.


Cheryl works with public, private, and non-profit, organizations that express a need for systemic, enduring change.


Participants will be given a list of resources, including articles, websites and short videos, to review before the discussion.


This event intends to spark civil, meaningful conversation among members of the Attleboro community as we share our experiences with each other. According to Rev. Harris, “Dialogues, between White, Black, and all persons of color, about racism and antiracism are much needed.


When we listen to one another and are open to consider each other’s perspectives, transformation can take place.”


This event is being organized by community partners, including the Attleboro Public Library, Attleboro Public Schools, Be Heard, Greater Attleboro Interfaith Network (GAIN), Attleboro Area Interfaith Collaborative, Attleboro Council on Human Rights, Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Committee of Greater Attleboro and City Councilor, Cathleen DeSimone.


Created in response to library patron requests, this event is one more example of Attleboro organizations and residents working together to create an environment of understanding and compassion.


Registration is required for this free program. Please register online using the “Calendar of Events” link on the library homepage at or call us at 508-222-0157 for assistance.


Registrants will be provided with the Zoom meeting info prior to the event.  


The Attleboro Public Library is located at 74 N. Main St., Attleboro, MA and has an extensive collection of books and media for children, teens and adults.


Library hours are from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Wednesday, and Friday. 12:30 pm to 8:30 pm on Thursday, and 8:30 am to 1:30 pm on Saturdays through the end of August.


Visit our web page at follow us on Facebook and Instagram @attleborolibrary.