Saturday, March 15, 2025



Wanted:  Reflections on Your COVID-19 Experience

The Attleboro Public Library Writers are initiating a community writing project: Your Reflections on the COVID-19 Pandemic. The focus in your writing could be on your feelings, perceptions, activities, or changes in lifestyle during the COVID-19 challenge. 


Writings should be no more than 400 words, and can be in the form of poetry, short essay/reflection, or short story.


Our ultimate goal is to compile the reflections into a book which the library could keep for historical reference. Depending on grant funding, additional copies may be produced for sale.  All submissions, therefore, should be made with the understanding that they may be made available for the public.


Submissions will be reviewed by the Attleboro Public Library Writers for selection into the book.  We remind writers that the focus must be on your family’s, the community’s or your individual response or reflection to COVID-19 quarantine.


This is not a place for expression of political views or offensive, and hurtful language.

All work is subject to the following standards: 

original and unpublished

no offensive or hurtful language

no political views

no references to others by identifiable names

Only one submission per person

All submissions must include the following information:


Address (optional)

Email or telephone number where you can be reached.

Your signature which is an agreement to publication

We would prefer your writing, if possible, be submitted electronically to:

or by mail to APL Writers, Attleboro Public Library, 74 N. Main St., Attleboro, MA  02703  Submissions are requested by Thursday, July 9. All questions regarding this project should be submitted in this same manner.


At this moment, we have no way to know how many submissions we will receive.


Submitting work does not guarantee publication.  If we have more than we can publish, the APL Writers will select submissions for quality, variety and focus.   We will notify those whose submissions have been selected. 

We cannot return submissions so please keep a copy for yourself to share with family in years to come.


The Attleboro Public Library Writers Group usually meets monthly on Thursday evenings at the Attleboro Public Library. However, at this time, the group is meeting virtually. Bernadine Veiga is the facilitator of the group. Kathy Rogers is assisting in the coordination of the Your Reflections on the COVID-19 Pandemic project.

The Attleboro Public Library is located at 74 N. Main St., Attleboro, MA and has an extensive collection of books and media for children, teens and adults.

In accordance with state mandates, the library is currently not open to the public. Staff are onsite to answer your questions via phone and email, Monday-Wednesday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Thursday, 12:30 pm to 8:30 pm, and Friday-Saturday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Summer Saturday hours, 8:30am to 1:30 pm, begin on June 27,

Scheduled curbside materials pick-up is available. Please call the library at 508-222-0157 or contact us via email at

For the latest news, please visit the library web page at

or follow us on Facebook and Instagram


Attleboro Public Library

74 N. Main St.

Attleboro, MA 02703


Phone: 508-222-0157