Wednesday, February 19, 2025




Online registrations have started for the annual Slater Park Youth Tennis Camp, sponsored by the Pawtucket Parks & Recreation Division.  For those without computer access, an in-person registration will take place at the Slater Park Pavilion on Saturday, June 13 from 10 am – 12 pm noon 8:30 – 4:30 p.m. 

The camp runs from Monday, June 29 through Tuesday, August 12 at the Mike Kenney Tennis Courts located in Slater Memorial Park from the Armistice Boulevard entrance and is open to Pawtucket residents and non-residents.


There are one hour instructional level lessons for ages 7 through ages 18 years old which take place at various times on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays.  Advanced lessons are available for those ages 10 to 18 years old on Tuesday and Thursday mornings for an hour and a half. 

These lesson times vary depending on age and can be found at the link: 

under the programs tab.  This will also outline the new requirements and daily protocol to attend camp this year relating to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The cost of the camp is $50.00 for residents and $75.00 for non-residents plus a can of new tennis balls.  Youth leagues are also available to help enhance the skill level of players.  This is optional and is $45 per league for children 14 to 18 years of age.  

Those with any inquiries or in need of assistance with registration may contact the Pawtucket Recreation Office at 728-0500, ext 251.