Saturday, February 22, 2025


Chapter Launches Free CE Webinar Series

AIA Rhode Island is offering 2 continuing education webinars this week, as part of our regular CE Webinar series:

  • 6/9 – com – Floodplain Design, Construction, and Impacts on Flood Insurance
  • 6/10 – International Masonry Institute – Forensic Engineering for Historic Properties

As the profession remains open for business, albeit remotely, this series is intended to assist Rhode Island architectural practitioners (members and nonmembers) meet their yearly HSW requirement(s).

The chapter has created a running list of presentations, and anticipates scheduling 2 weekly at the 12-1 PM hour each Tuesday, Wednesday, and/or Thursday. Presentations will be posted on the Chapter Calendar once scheduled; RSVP information for each event are linked below, and is also on the Chapter Calendar. These are lunchless obviously, so BYO.

If your firm has any canceled lunch and learns and would like to have those sessions added to the queue, or if there is a topic you would like included, please reach out to us , and we’ll see about including it on the schedule.


TUESDAY – 06.09.2020 – Register Now presents session #1 this week with Floodplain Design, Construction, and Impacts on Flood Insurance

Time: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

Credit: 1.0 HSW


This course provides insight into the importance of proper foundation flood vents and dry floodproofing techniques for buildings located in a flood zone. It will identify FEMA Technical

Bulletins 1, 2, and 3, the National Flood Insurance Program, ASCE 24, ICC, and Building Code regulations and standards as they relate to sustaining foundations and overall business continuity in flood hazard areas. The course will also analyze the role of building compliance in securing lowering flood insurance rates and what mitigation solutions are available for both residential and non-residential structures. After the course, participants will have a thorough understanding of floodproofing options and the important role they play in designing a sustainable structure.


  • Describe floods and the potential hazards to buildings.
  • Explain the differences between wet and dry floodproofing techniques.
  • Define the differences in engineered and non-engineered flood openings and their ability to ensure resilient structures.

Active vs. passive floodproofing solutions and the overall impact of ownership.


WEDNESDAY – 06.10.2020 – Register Now

Forensic Engineering for Historic Properties

International Masonry Institute presents session #2 this week with Forensic Engineering for Historic Properties

Time: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

Credit 1.0 HSW


Historic buildings and structures can show signs of distress or damage, but require an investigation to understand the root cause of the issue. Forensic engineering is the field of engineering where we assess and diagnose problems. Information from the investigation is used to develop repair and restoration solutions that address issue appropriately. Forensic techniques can be used on a variety of types of construction and building materials. This presentation will use case studies to illustrate examples of how forensic engineering has been used for restoration and rehabilitation projects. Case studies will include historic stone masonry, terra cotta and steel structure, exposed concrete, and a copper dome.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the basics of a forensic engineering investigation.
  • Recognize observations and tools used during investigations and the limitations for assessing the extent of deterioration.
  • Learn common investigation approaches for various types of building construction, including historic stone masonry, terra cotta and steel, and exposed concrete.

Understand how forensic engineering identifies the causation of problems and is valuable to historic restoration and rehabilitation projects.