Monday, March 17, 2025


Friends —

Women are America’s Greatest Natural Resource!

Our survey about COVID-19, its impact on you and how you think our government is handling the response, received strong participation, indicating that this is a matter, very understandably, of serious concern.  Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond and share observations and personal experiences.

Below is a summary of the results.

First Question, “Which statement best reflects your concern about COVID-19 and the shutdown?”: 0% responded A (“The health implications of the disease to my family and the public”), 34% responded B (“The impact of the shutdown on family budgets and the state’s economy”), 47% responded C (“I am concerned about the health implications but am more troubled by the impact of the shutdown.”), 6% responded D (“I am concerned about the impact of the shutdown but am more worried about the health implications”) and 13% responded E (“I am not very concerned about any of it; it’s all overblown.”).

Second Question, “How do you think state officials have handled Rhode Island’s reaction to COVID-19 so far?”: 3% responded A (“Fine. They have struck the right balance between health concerns and the need to re-open the economy.”), 6% responded B (“I am uncomfortable that the state is already beginning to end the shutdown.  They are moving too quickly.”) and 88% responded C (“The shutdown has gone on too long.  Officials have disregarded what we have learned about the disease and its health implications.”)

Third Question, “What direction do you think our state’s COVID policy should take from here?”: 5% responded A (“Continue ending the shutdown very gradually over several months. Health implications should be the top consideration.”) and 93% responded B (“Open up now with safety mitigation and protection of vulnerable populations.  We have flattened the curve, we know a lot more about the disease and we see the impact of the shutdown on the economy.).

Fourth Question, “What impact has COVID-19 and/or the shutdown had on you, if any?”:  35% responded A (“I or my family or someone in my circle of friends has been impacted by COVID-19.”), 52% responded D (“I am fortunate; neither the disease nor the shutdown has directly impacted me or my family.”) and 10% responded that either they or their spouse/significant other has been furloughed.

If you are not a member of RIWFP, please consider joining.  Membership is only $10 year.  The more members we have, the louder our voice will be!

Click Here to Join

RI Women For Freedom & Prosperity
