Saturday, February 8, 2025


Sign The Petition To Suspend The Internet Sales Tax Now

Many women are in charge of our household or business budgets, women who are responsible for purchasing goods and services. We know that every dollar counts, especially during these trying COVID-19 times.

RI Women for Freedom & Prosperity is calling on our political leaders to suspend the Internet Sales Tax, and we need your help by signing our new petition.

A suspension of the online sales tax will help people to follow government mandates and guidelines – to work, eat, and shop at home – especially the most vulnerable and while the COVID-19 virus is still among us.

Then forwarded this email to the women that you know who are willing to take a stand for Rhode Island families- Don’t wait, this is an immediate way to help the people of our state.

Please learn more about us on our website now – and take action on by signing the petition now or by clicking on the button below.

Act now, Rhode Island families and businesses are hurting. Your voice is powerful and must be heard, sign our petition today!

Click Here To Sign