Saturday, October 5, 2024




Providence, RI  In light of the developing COVID-19 situation and following the recommendations of several of our sponsors – Brown University, RIDOH, Care New England, Lifespan– Brain Week Rhode Island has made the decision to cancel this year’s events.  In addition to the hundreds of people who attend our events, many of the panelists, workshop leaders and speakers are health care professionals.  Our decision is intended to protect these people who are on the front line, as well as our audiences and supporters.  Considering the health concerns of the day, we are mindful of the people who might be at genuine risk or those who are concerned about exposing themselves.

Brain Week wishes to acknowledge and thank all of our supporters and partners who have committed countless hours to organizing this year’s events.  We will reschedule Brain Week and make an announcement at that time. 

About Cure Alliance for Mental Illness: Cure Alliance for Mental Illness ( a social activist network for mental illness research. Our mission is to unite the energies of patients, families, clinicians, scientists, and mental illness organizations to:

  • Educate the public and policymakers about mental illnesses as brain disorders
  • Advocate for scientific research to understand mental illnesses
  • Work toward safe, effective treatments for those suffering from mental illnesses  


About Carney Institute for Brain Science: The Carney Institute for Brain Science at Brown University advances multidisciplinary research, technology development, and training in the brain sciences and works to establish Brown University as an internationally recognized leader in brain research. The institute unites more than 100 faculty from a diverse group of

departments at Brown, spanning basic and clinical departments, and physical and biological sciences.

About the Ryan Institute for Neuroscience: The George & Anne Ryan Institute for Neuroscience is a multidisciplinary research center focused on discovering and developing

disease-modifying therapies for neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. The Ryan Institute’s approach includes research into what triggers the atrophy and death of neural cells and systems in neurodegenerative disorders, converting scientific discoveries into therapies, and shepherding promising new therapies into clinical trials.

About the Rhode Island Department of Health/Violence and Injury Prevention Program: The RIDOH/Violence and Injury Prevent Program provides communities and policy-makers with information that includes data and research, resources they need to develop life-saving policies, implement evidence-based programs to reduce injuries and death caused by child abuse and neglect, intimate partner/sexual violence, suicide, also injuries attributed from motor vehicle crashes and sports. 

About the Association of Migraine Disorders: The Association of Migraine Disorders strives to expand the understanding of migraine and its true scope by supporting research, education, and awareness.  AMD has developed a comprehensive program that helps not only to fund specific research projects, but also to launch the careers of those willing to specialize in migraine research.