Friday, March 14, 2025


What would you do as #RIGovForADay?

Happy Women’s History Month! 

In the past few years, I’ve been so encouraged to see more young people engaging in democracy and more women holding public office than ever before.

Despite that progress, we have a long way to go. Women still make up less than a quarter of representatives in Congress and there are only nine female governors.  

You can’t be what you can’t see. Despite our progress, too many young girls grow up without seeing themselves represented in their government.

I want young girls to have a chance to see themselves as part of our government. So, I have a question for 5th to 8th grade girls in Rhode Island:

“What would you do if you were Rhode Island’s Governor for a Day?”

This Women’s History Month initiative is open to girls in 5th through 8th grade throughout the state.

Interested applicants should apply by March 16, 2020 and answer this question in 400 words or fewer OR in a 1-2 minute video:

“What would you do if you were Rhode Island’s Governor for a day?”

Students must submit the following information along with their essay or video:

  • Name
  • Age
  • School
  • Grade
  • Home Address
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Teacher’s Contact Information

Applicants may email their essays or videos as an attachment to . Google documents or other file sharing services will not be accepted. Videos must be no larger than 14MB, no longer than 2 minutes, and emailed as an attachment.

Email submissions must include “2020 GFAD” in the subject line. The Governor’s office will confirm that submissions have been received within 24 hours (72 hours on weekends).

Or they may mail their essays to:

“Governor for a Day” Essay Contest

c/o Governor’s Communications Office

82 Smith Street, Room 109

Providence, RI 02903

Teachers looking to incorporate the essay into their curriculum should feel free to use the attached worksheet .

Best of luck to all applicants!