Wednesday, February 5, 2025


Dear Friend,


Continuing their relentless campaign to dismantle our environmental protections, the Trump Administration is now going after the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). With this attack they are threatening a core, bedrock environmental law – it’s like kicking bricks out of the foundation.

Tell the Administration to reject this egregious proposal to dismantle the National Environmental Policy Act. 

NEPA was enacted 50 years ago after the infamous Cuyahoga River fire in Ohio. It has allowed communities to have a voice in projects being proposed for their neighborhoods, heading off environmental disasters like rivers so polluted they catch fire. But industry groups complain that NEPA has created delays in projects like laying oil pipelines and building new dams and mines.

As people of faith and conscience, we care about our neighbors’ air, water, and quality of life. NEPA is an important tool to empower people to build healthier communities and support environmental justice.

Register your opposition to this dangerous rollback with the Council on Environmental Quality today.

The Trump administration’s proposed revisions would undermine NEPA by requiring fewer environmental assessments and imposing strict new deadlines for completing these important reviews. The proposed changes would also eliminate the requirement to consider “cumulative impacts” of projects. In recent years, courts have said that includes global warming consequences of emitting more greenhouse gases. 

There is a 60-day window for public comment. We need to make sure the Administration is flooded with letters of opposition. Please make your voice heard today.

Thank you,

Susan Stephenson

Executive Director
