Monday, March 17, 2025


Pawtucket Announces 22nd Annual Photo Contest

Pawtucket: A City in Focus

Theme: “Hiding in Plain Sight”

Deadline for entry: August 7, 2021

Mayors-Choice-Award-2019-Christen-Johnson-grade-5-was-student-at-Elizabeth-Baldwin-Elementary School

PAWTUCKET – Grab your cameras and snap that picture! The City of Pawtucket and The Camera Werks proudly announce the 22nd Annual City of Pawtucket Photo Contest. Twelve winning photos will be selected by a panel of local professional photographers and placed in the 2021 City Calendar. This year’s photo contest judges include Butch Adams, Richard Benjamin, Christy Christopolous, Peter Goldberg and Aaron Usher.


This annual contest provides an opportunity to bring awareness to daily life, historic locations and the ever changing landscape of Pawtucket through the lens of a camera. The contest is open to residents and non-residents alike, but the photo must be taken in Pawtucket. After a public call for photo contest themes was advertised in January, “Hiding in Plain Sight” by Louise H. Zacharie of Cumberland was selected.


Contest Rules: All photo submissions should follow the contest theme. All photos must be taken in the City of Pawtucket within the past year. Only one entry per contestant submitted by the photographer. Photos may be in color or black and shot horizontally. Film or high quality digital prints will be accepted. All photos must be of good quality and suitable for reproduction.


Submitted photos should be mounted on foamcore or mountboard, but not framed; overall size of the mounted photo should not be smaller than 8”x10” or larger than 12”x18”.  All photos will be displayed at the Blackstone Valley Visitor Center during the City of Pawtucket’s Arts Festival in September. The Mayor’s Choice Award will receive a $100 cash prize. First Place will receive a $75.00 cash prize. Second Place will receive a $50.00 cash prize and other remaining winners will receive gift certificates.


All winning photos will be used in the City of Pawtucket’s 2021 Calendar. Submissions will be accepted from May 1st to August 7th, and should be dropped off at The Camera Werks, 766 Hope Street, Providence, Tuesday – Saturday 10:00 a.m.– 5:30 p.m. For further information, please call (401) 273-5367.