Monday, March 10, 2025


Sensory Art Program for Special Needs Children

@ the Pawtucket Library (13 Summer St.) 


Once a month Saturday, Starting February 15, 2020

2:30 – 3:30 p.m.

Library Campbell Auditorium

Families with young children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder or developmental delay are invited to participate in our free monthly sensory art program for special needs children (February 15, March 14, April 11 & May 9).


We will explore different types of hands-on activities that will stimulate the five senses. Each month there will be a different theme. Great for families looking for a small group. Best for children ages 5 to 12 years old, but any child is welcome.


 Registration is recommended, but not required.


For more information or a visual social story, please call 401-725-3714 x 208 or email