Monday, March 10, 2025


It’s Time To Act On Transportation Solutions

Massachusetts is facing a statewide transportation crisis. 

And we have a plan to help fix it.

With derailments and delays on the MBTA, inadequate regional transit in communities across the state, deteriorating roads and bridges, and Greater Boston’s worst-in-the-nation traffic, residents are feeling the pain from the Berkshires to the Cape.

In many places, insufficient infrastructure for cyclists and pedestrians causes unsafe conditions and discourages active transportation.

Our transportation system is bad for the climate and public health, and is now the largest source of air pollution in the Commonwealth.

Rather than creating economic opportunity, our inequitable transportation is often an obstacle.

Fortunately, there are solutions. As the state legislature takes up this important issue in the coming days, the Transportation for Massachusetts coalition supports bold action to address the transportation crisis. We urge the legislature to consider the following solutions:

— Increase the state gas tax by 25 cents to generate urgently needed revenue for statewide investments in roads, bridges and public transportation, including Chapter 90 for local roads. Offset impacts on lower-income drivers with corresponding tax credits and reduced transit fares.

 Adopt the proven tool of congestion pricing on our most congested highways. Protect lower income drivers with discounts and/or exemptions.

 Charge a fair fee of 6.25% on Lyft and Uber trips, with a discount for shared rides. Use revenue to solve transportation gaps in under-served communities.

— Pass regional ballot initiative and value capture legislation, giving cities and towns tools to raise money to fund local and regional projects. Fund a state match for communities that pass regional ballot initiatives and build in racial and socioeconomic equity as a criteria to receive state funding.

 Advance the Transportation & Climate Initiative to curb greenhouse gas emissions and raise money for transportation improvements. Invest TCI funds in communities underserved by transit and overburdened by air pollution.

Read more about

our policy priorities,


how they should be implemented

to be progressive and protect lower income residents across Massachusetts.

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