Monday, March 10, 2025


Museum At The Mill Stages First Historical Exhibits!

Through the coordinated efforts of Bridgewater State University Docent Interns, Dodge Mill Volunteers and Museum Board Members, Museum At The Mill displays of three eras of Mill House Kitchens have been completed in the Studio Section of Dodge Mill.

Joe Beaudoin, Gary Demers, Marian Wrightington and Samantha Demers

This was a team volunteer effort, and everyone helped everyone else. If you needed help, it was there. Need it taken down, put up or moved around Joe was there. Need a set design including furniture Samantha was there. Need big concepts and ability to make it work Gary was there. Need historical curatorial skills Marian was there.


After months of planning, laboring, cleaning, collecting, moving and cataloging “The Studio” was ready for our first “Gathering” at The Mill.

After months of research, writing and scholarship the Studio was opened with a filming of the “Mill House Kitchens.”

Aaron Bisson, Destiny Easler, Colin Lamusta

The Docent-Interns were relentless in their efforts. Aaron became the de facto scholar, writer and researcher. Destiny became the collector, curator and source of big ideas. Colin emerged as our director, producer and film maker.

They also learned The Mill. They moved stuff, built stuff, cleaned, swept and cleaned again.

The “New Studio” is in the 1803 section of the Original Mill. The exhibits will become part of the initial inventory of historical exhibits at the Museum. Plans are in place and being developed for the next series of exhibits celebrating Dodgeville Village and its Historically Recognized Mill.

An early Spring 2020 is targeted for that opening.

Place setting in The 1850’s Kitchen

The “Mill House Kitchen” exhibit features an 1850’s Kitchen, a 1900’s Kitchen and a 1950’s Kitchen. Docents will share their knowledge of the artifacts, antiques and history in each exhibit. Interpreters will share “their” kitchens with dramatic presentations.

The Exhibit is open to Members and Guests at Gatherings at The Mill. The Museum is also open by appointment.


453 S. Main St.

Attleboro, MA


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