You’re invited to build your network with us!
Rhode Island Networking 2020 Kickoff Event
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Chapel Grille, Cranston, RI
5:30 pm to 8 pm
If your plan is to build your business, you will never have ‘too many contacts’ or ‘enough people who refer business to you’.
It’s all about ‘who knows you and, knows what you do’.
It’s that simple!
So if you’re ready to make 2020 one of your best…
Join us Wednesday, January 22nd at Chapel Grille, Cranston.
Meet a great group of people, mingle with local business people and influencers from a multitude of industries, enjoy complimentary appetizers and cash bar and, most importantly, lets others get to know ‘you’.
No speakers or sales pitches, just a few hours of connecting with real people in a relaxed atmosphere.
Hope to have you with us!