Fairy Houses at the Richardson Nature Preserve
ATTLEBORO – What are Fairy Houses?
According to the Fairy House official website, “Fairy Houses are small structures for the fairies and woodland creatures. Ranging from simple to intricate ‘Fairy Mansions,’ these whimsical habitats are built by children, families, gardeners and nature lovers reflecting their creativity, joy and pride.” From https://www.fairyhouses.com/
On Saturday, October 5, display your own creation, or simply enjoy a stroll to view the fairy house exhibit at the Deborah and Roger Richardson Nature Preserve, 577B Wilmarth Street, Attleboro. (Rain date is Sunday, October 6).
In conjunction with this year’s NEA Big Read: Attleboro selection, Nathaniel Philbrick’s In the Heart of the Sea, you are invited to create and exhibit a “portside” fairy house. The whalers visited many ports on their expeditions out of Nantucket and New Bedford, Massachusetts.
Find your inspiration in these local whaling communities, from one of the Essex’s ports of call – the Azores, Cape Verde, Chile, or those of other whaling ships, including Hawaii, Bali and Australia. Use your imagination to envision what a fairy house from one of these far-off ports might look like. It’s up to you to add your island flair.
If you plan to exhibit, please bring your house to the Richardson Nature Preserve between 9 am and 10 am. You may want to make and bring a stand for your house to raise it off the ground and make it more visible.
Visitors who are not exhibiting are invited to view the houses and tour the grounds from 10 am to 12 pm. Either way, you will have a chance to make and take home a fairy garden at the event!
Visit attleborolandtrust.org to learn more about the Attleboro Land Trust and to register.