Friday, January 10, 2025


2019 Hornbine School Open House Season

Vincent Luti displaying a box of inkwells he donated to the school.

By Dave Downs

We have always found open house days to be of interest to both our visitors and ourselves. Frances Magan fascinates visitors with her School stories and seems to know just about everyone.

This season, we had 62 people from 14 different towns visit. Sadly, we had one, “would be visitor”, die a week before her planned visit to the school. She was 101 years old.

We have many visitors who find their visit so interesting that they keep returning to learn more and/or to share information. Vincent Luti rides his bicycle by the school often. He stops in to visit every once in a while. This year, he stopped by and donated a dozen desk inkwells for our collection. 

 The glass inkwells fit perfectly into several desk inkwell holes. Now, the school children will see how “those holes” were used in the past.

Larry’s 1st and 2nd grade class pictures from North Rehoboth School which was built in 1940 and closed in 1980.

Larry Violette also visits our school often and has donated several items to the Hornbine School in the past. This season, he stopped by to share pictures from his first and second grade class (1951 – 52) at the North Rehoboth School. 

We have several home school classes visiting as well as Palmer River 4th grade classes this month. We will soon close for the winter and reopen for classes and open houses next spring. Perhaps YOU may want to visit in the spring to share information and experiences from your schooling days. If you can’t wait until the 2020 season, please give this writer, Dave Downs, a call (508-222-7326) or email at 

to share.