Tuesday, February 11, 2025


VOLUNTEERS OPPORTUNITIES- looking to fill immediately

Gallery Committee:

Would you like to be part of the planning and organizing PAC’s shows? Including deciding the themes, prizes, and overall gallery planning… Must be able to commit to one monthly meeting, as well as various duties around the planning/staffing of shows. Interested? volunteerpawtucketartsc@gmail.com


Hanging Committee:

Do you have a good eye? Strong? Handy with tools? Or just able to take directions and help out- PAC would love some additional reliable art installers/hangers to help put up our shows. 4 times a year, usually the Saturday before the show from 3-5pm. Interested? Contact Bradbradley.



Gallery Sitters: Ongoing and schedule flexible

Gallery Sitters work closely with the exhibits, deal with the public during open hours, allow/encourage visitors to fill out membership forms, sell art, and possibly handle some light data entry work. Shifts are 2 hour blocks with slots on weekdays 5:30-7:30 and weekends 1-5 pm. Wonderful opportunity to work within a gallery especially for students, freelancers or retirees. As an added bonus- gallery sitters will receive the opportunity to showcase an original piece of their artwork in the Members’ Gallery!  Contact davidaschiffer@mac.com
for more info.


Website Maintenance: Ongoing

The right candidate would help maintain site and update as needed with information/images pertaining to our gallery exhibits and activities. Volunteer will coordinate closely with the committees. Excellent opportunity for our tech savvy members who want to show off their skills and be a valuable asset to the group! Interested? Contact membershippac@gmail.com


Art-pickup/drop off: Quarterly/based on event schedule

We are looking for individuals to specifically oversee and organize the pickup of all Art by Artists after shows. Responsibilities would involve organizing the paperwork, being available during pickup dates and calling/emailing artists to pick up their pieces. Schedule flexibility on Fridays 4-7 pm and Sat 10-12 pm around shows a must for this position. Interested? volunteerpawtucketartsc@gmail.com


Design/Marketing/PR: Ongoing

This is a great opportunity for anyone savvy with newsletters, advertising, signage, posters, online marketing and the like. A great place for business, communication, and advertising recent grads or those wanting to expand their resumes!



Membership: Ongoing

Are you organized and good at data entry? A great salesperson who loves the PAC and wants to spread the word? Do you like to talk to people at parties and events? Any of these skill sets would be welcome in Membership, both in attracting new members and also keeping established ones.



Grant Writing: Ongoing

A non-profit organization depends on grants for our lifeblood and we always welcome volunteers with any background in the grant writing process, or an interest to learn! This is a great opportunity for anyone who wants a career in the non-profits. Contact fjlstudio33@gmail.com



Do you have a skill or technique and want to teach a workshop? Do you want to reach out to high schools and colleges? This could be a great area to shine. Current students in Art Ed programs, retired teachers, and any artisans with a great teachable skill encouraged to contact us.
Interested? laura.brady@alumni.massart.edu


Reception: Quarterly/based on event schedule

Do you have a great specialty dish? An amazing cookie recipe? A great nose for wine? Or a love to set up cheese plates? Table presentation? We always need volunteers to provide help and provisions for our gallery events.


Exhibit Installation: Quarterly/based on event schedule

Ever wondered about the process of how all of the Mill Gallery’s artwork gets arranged in the space and up on the walls in time for an exhibit? Assist in the hanging of shows with a great group of volunteers. Some gallery/art handling experience preferred but not necessary. Interested? bradley.bailey@sbcglobal.net


Assistant to Treasurer: Ongoing

Good with numbers? PAC could use a financially savvy volunteer to help maintain our books, help process membership fees, gallery expenses, and all our transactions- helping to keep out non-profit running smooth. Treasurer maintains our bank accounts, online accounts, and pays all our insurance and operating costs. Interested in helping? Contact Frank fjlstudio33@gmail.com


Assistant to Graphic Designer: Ongoing

Designer helps design themed signage for PAC’s four shows a year. Design must translate to instagram, facebook, posters and website formats. Occasional help with brochures, signage design etc. as needed. Interested? Contact: graphicspac@gmail.com


Interested in any of these Volunteer Opportunities?

Please Contact

In your email please detail what department specifically you are interested in, your background and qualifications and also your availability.