Monday, March 10, 2025


Dear Friend,

 A INTER FAITH interfaith-logo620

This July Fourth Weekend you can strengthen the faith-led movement demanding our nation’s independence from fossil fuels. 


Six U.S. cities are already powered by 100% clean energy! And seven states and 130 cities are committed to joining them. We have the technology to be completely free from dirty fuel,  we just need to free ourselves from the grip of the fossil fuel lobby.


IPL is educating, organizing, and mobilizing people of faith from sea to shining sea to call on their elected officials to stand up to the fossil fuel industry and support 100% clean energy – an essential component of Ocasio-Cortez’ Green New Deal. 

Support the clean energy revolution by donating to IPL today.


Your donation will mobilize more people of faith to call on their member of Congress, mayor, governor, etc. to support the transition to clean energy. 


In addition to preventing some of the worst impacts of global warming, moving to 100% clean energy will transform economies in rural communities. New jobs in wind energy, solar energy, and energy efficiency will generate thousands of jobs across America – in Iowa alone the wind industry supports almost 10,000 jobs!


Together, we can free ourselves from rising temperatures, droughts, floods, and all of the dangers posed by a warming planet. These climate impacts fall hardest on the least among us, who are the least responsible for creating this crisis.


Let’s join together to break the grip of the fossil fuel lobby, and do the right thing for our communities, our neighbors, our country, our children, and our planet.


Happy Independence Day! Thank you in advance for your generosity.

Susan Stephenson

Executive Director
