Saturday, March 8, 2025




July Kicks Off Farm Fresh RI’s Nutrition Education Workshops at Farmers Markets  

Pawtucket, RI — You may have heard about Farm Fresh RI because of its farmers markets, its wholesale service for local farms, or its new food hub development project in the Valley neighborhood of Providence. Both fueling and complimenting these initiatives is a focus on community access and education — which have been at the heart of the nonprofit’s mission of growing the local food system since its founding in 2004, by a Brown University undergraduate student.  


Today, Farm Fresh RI continues providing information on local farms, agriculture, and nutrition to a broad range of community members across the state — in schools, libraries, day cares, senior centers and senior housing. Its nutrition education programs are hands-on, interactive, and work to provide participants with the information needed to make smart choices about food. Programs also seek to share cultural traditions around food and celebrate the diverse culinary heritage of Rhode Island.


One such program is Healthy Foods, Healthy Families — offering interactive food and nutrition workshops at summer farmers markets in July and August for families with children receiving federal food assistance — WIC (Women, Infant, and Children) or SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program). Provided in English and Spanish, the curriculum empowers parents and children with the tools to shop for affordable, seasonal foods and prepare them in healthy, kid-friendly ways. For each week of participation, families receive free samples, games, recipes, financial incentives, and other bonuses — including Farm Fresh RI’s dollar-for-dollar match in Bonus Bucks available to all SNAP users at most farmers markets across Rhode Island.


Free Program, Easy Sign-Up

Families that receive WIC or SNAP and have at least one child age 12 or younger can enroll for free in the 2019 session of  Healthy Foods, Healthy Families starting July 1, 2019. This year we will be unveiling new lessons, new activities, and new recipes all season! Just visit any of the following farmers markets for more information and to sign up.


Armory Market
85 Parade St, Providence
Thursdays, 3:30-7:00 pm

Broad Street Market

807 Broad St, Providence
Saturdays, 8:00am-12:00 pm

Central Falls Market
559 Dexter St, Central Falls
Wednesdays, 3:00-6:30 pm

Neutaconkanut Market
675 Plainfield St, Providence
Mondays, 3:00-6:00 pm

Slater Park Market
375 Newport Ave, Pawtucket
New location inside park: by Len’s Snack Stand
Wednesdays,  3:00-6:00 pm

Woonsocket Market
Thundermist Health Center
250 Clinton St, Woonsocket
Tuesdays, 3:00-6:00 pm


Note: While these farmers markets remain open weekly through the end of October, the Healthy Foods, Healthy Families program will run through August 29, 2019.


Birthday Celebration for All Families — August 12–16, 2019
Recognizing gaps in food literacy and lack of comfortability cooking locally grown produce by members of the RI community, Farm Fresh RI first tested the concept of farmers market-based nutrition education at just the Armory Market back in 2008. With the quick success of the program’s pilot season, it was expanded the following year to additional farmers markets run by Farm Fresh RI — and Healthy Foods, Healthy Families was born.


In honor of officially turning 10 this summer, Farm Fresh RI invites all families (whether you’ve participated in the program before or not) to free birthday party festivities like balloons, fun kids activities, and special treats at all of the above-listed farmers markets during the week of August 12th. No tickets needed, just come to the Healthy Foods, Healthy Families table at the market!


Support by Blue Cross Blue Shield of RI and the Andrade-Faxon Charities for Children

Earlier this year, Farm Fresh RI received a 2019 BlueAngel Community Health Grant (BACHG) from Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island (BCBSRI). The $22,000 grant will provide parents and children with resources to shop for and prepare healthy meals through the Healthy Foods, Healthy Families program. 


“Our support for organizations like Farm Fresh Rhode Island enables them to continue effectively addressing social and environmental factors that lead to overweight and obesity — particularly for low-income families in our state,” said Kim Keck, president and CEO of BCBSRI.


Onelissa Martinez, former Nutrition Education Manager at Farm Fresh RI added, “Thanks to this BlueAngel Community Health Grant from Blue Cross & Blue Shield of RI, we will be able to empower more Rhode Island families with the information and tools to make healthy choices and invest in their health and communities.”

Program Methods and Outcomes


Healthy Foods, Healthy Families is a fruit and vegetable exposure/incentive program implemented at farmers markets in low-income neighborhoods, targeting families receiving US federal food assistance. Participants post-intervention reported significantly higher vegetable consumption and lower soda consumption. For more information on methods and outcomes, refer to the following study, which examined program effects on participants’ diet and associations between attendance, demographics, and dietary change. 


“Healthy Foods, Healthy Families: combining incentives and exposure interventions at urban farmers markets to improve nutrition among recipients of US federal food assistance;” by April B. Bowling, Mikayla Moretti, Kayla Ringelheim, Alvin Tran, and Kirsten Davison;  


About Farm Fresh Rhode Island

Farm Fresh Rhode Island is a 501c3 nonprofit organization founded in 2004. They are a small organization with a big mission—growing a local food system that values the environment, health and quality of life of area farmers and eaters. Part incubator, part activator, Farm Fresh RI offers a wide array of access, education, and distribution programs aimed at building healthier communities, increasing access to fresh food, strengthening community-based businesses, and improving the impact of food production and distribution on our environment. For more information, please visit