Sunday, February 23, 2025


The rain was persistent last Saturday morning.


None the less, a hardy group of volunteers from The Friends Of The Ten Mile River and Board Members from The Museum At The Mill and some eager beaver neighborhood do-gooders gathered and trekked into the woods to Spring Clean the Historic Dodge Family Cemetery.


The Island Cemetery is several hundred feet through the woods off South Main Street in Attleboro. The up and down rough path could benefit from a clean up of its own. That will be another day.


In addition to all the rakes and clippers and bags and gloves they toted a blue kayak into the woods. It is good to have a kayak when you are cleaning up a river. Everyone knows that.


In two hours of serious work they filled more than a dozen large bags with trash discarded by less thoughtful neighbors. They pulled tires out of the woods and the water. They clipped, trimmed and raked the plots and pathways.


And then they carried and dragged the bags and trash out the up and down path and neatly stacked it curbside for collection.


They were damp through, but they left the site better than they found it and that is the point of what they do.


Thank you.