Sunday, January 12, 2025


Rhode Island Forests Need Protection! 

 E FOREST STEWARDS Audubon Woodlands Bill 2019

Woodlands throughout the state provide filtered drinking water, reduced soil erosion, cleaner air, a cooler environment, reduced impacts of flooding, critical habitat for wildlife, and recreational spaces for residents and visitors alike.


The Woodland Preservation and Stewardship Act of 2019, legislation developed in partnership with the Audubon Society of Rhode Island, recognizes and establishes a process to protect Rhode Island’s essential forest habitats.


Since the 1970s, Rhode Island’s forests have been studied, but the state still lacks public policies to preserve the integrity and viability of these woodlands. When passed, the Woodland Preservation and Stewardship Act will give the RI Department of Environmental Management authority to promote the stewardship of forests and woodlands in partnership with cities, towns and private landowners.


This bill will not take land away or affect the rights of private property owners. In fact, as the largest private landowner in Rhode Island, the Audubon Society of Rhode Island, supports this bill as it recognizes these rights and helps to create state-wide strategies for effective land use and conservation.