Saturday, March 8, 2025


North Attleborough Historical Society Meeting

NA School House EDITED adamsdale

The North Attleborough Historical Society will hold its next meeting on Sunday, January 27th at 2 PM at the Little Red Schoolhouse. 

The Society invites you to join them for a talk about 75 Classic New England Foods.

From American Chop Suey to Yankee Pot Roast, this A-Z list of 75 classic New England foods is Yankee-approved.  With its fertile farmland, coastal waters, and flavorful influence from generations of immigrants, it’s no surprise that New England cuisine has a reputation for being seasonal, hearty, and comforting. 

We will attempt to fit a class New England food to each letter, A-Z.  This is taken from an article published in Yankee Magazine, and Yankee, in giving its consent for us to use the article, would like to know if we can come up with any classic food they left off their list.

The meeting takes place in the Little Red Schoolhouse next door to the Woodcock Garrison House at 362 North Washington Street in North Attleborough.  Refreshments will be served following the presentation and a plant donated by Brigg’s Nursery will be raffled. 

This meeting is free and open to the public.