Sunday, March 9, 2025


Winter Magic:

B CCCC ea6f476a-55b0-4bae-b027-41604c28e6ab

A Quality Antiques Show

Saturday, December 29, from 10 am-4 pm.

No early birds!

$6, $5 with discount card.

A full-scale antiques show will feature known and esteemed dealers from Cape Cod and beyond the bridges.

Antiques will include country furniture, nautical items, samplers, Canton China, Chinese Export, cut and pressed glass, folk art, paintings, chocolate molds, prints, hooked rugs, baskets, stoneware, decoys, Bennington pottery, and more.

All proceeds benefit the Cultural Center.

Light refreshments will be available. No one admitted until 10:00 am.

Organized by Cultural Center members Charles and Barbara Adams.

A CULTURAL CENTER CAPE COD 18924fd0-8eb3-47d0-b357-0d206e7b2104

Generously supported by the Yarmouth Tourism Fund.