Dear Neighbors and Friends,
On December 5th, 2018, State Representative Jim Lyons, arguably the most conservative legislator we have here in the Massachusetts, gave his farewell address to the MA House of Representatives. You can read it in its entirety by clicking here.
Representative Lyons has faithfully served not only those in the 18th Essex district, but all Massachusetts residents. All of us here at the Renew Massachusetts Coalition would like to briefly say how thankful we are for Jim Lyons and his integrity, selfless service, and tireless devotion in fighting for the people he was entrusted to serve.
Representative Lyons has been a stalwart on Beacon Hill. He has advocated for lowering taxes, cutting regulations, increasing local aid, and promoting small business and entrepreneurship here in the Bay State. Fiscally conservative, absolutely.
Yet, when it comes to social issues, Representative Lyons has been even more impressive and steadfast. He has fought for freedom of speech, freedom to worship as one wishes, and freedom to protest. He has been a defender of life, and opposed the left’s radical social agenda. He’s always supported traditional conservative values.
Jim Lyons, along with his wife Bernadette, have spent the last four decades protesting and fighting for the most vulnerable of this society we live in, the unborn. They have done so as happy warriors, and we encourage you to read his speech here. Outgoing Representative Lyons ALWAYS advocated for a pro-life agenda on Beacon Hill, and he did so at personal and professional costs at times, and always with a smile.
In closing, we would like to ask everyone to pray for Jim and Bernadette, as they prepare to begin this next chapter in their lives. They’ll continue to be involved in the fight for conservative values, and we know their next chapter will be a great one.
We also encourage you to attend Jim’s Annual Nativity Celebration on December 20th, in the Great Hall (MA State House), from 12:00 to 4:00. This would be an excellent opportunity to encourage Jim and Bernadette and let them know how thankful we are for them.
Conservatively yours,