Friday, January 31, 2025



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Joyce Faria, CO-OP President & CEO awards Don Backlund a Resolution of Heartfelt Appreciation at the September 2018 CO-OP Board of Directors meeting

North Dighton ??? Cooperative Production, Inc. (???CO-OP???), a Taunton-area non-profit agency supporting adults with intellectual and other disabilities, recently awarded long-serving Board of Directors??? member Don Backlund a lifetime honorary Board Emeritus.


Mr. Backlund, currently a resident of Rhode Island and CEO Emeritus and Executive Consultant at FBinsure of Taunton, has been a key member of CO-OP???s Finance and Administration Committees. For the past 36 years, he provided insight and advice as the agency grew from a small group of local business people, educators, and concerned citizens to an agency now serving over 300 area residents.


According to Joyce Faria, CO-OP President & CEO, ???Mr. Backlund receives this designation in honor and acknowledgement of his unwavering commitment to the organization???s mission of supporting people with developmental and other disabilities to become valued members of their communities. CO-OP benefited greatly from his loyalty and vision. Mr. Backlund is the embodiment of the highest standards of leadership and his support has been invaluable for so many years.???


About CO-OP

CO-OP is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization supporting local citizens with developmental and other disabilities, including brain injuries, in a variety of residential and day programs, employment supports, and clinical services. Founded in 1972 and currently serving approximately 300??individuals and family members in Southeastern Massachusetts, CO-OP???s mission focuses on individualized services and community participation. For more information, go to