Saturday, March 8, 2025


September 17th North Attleborough Historical Society Meeting??

NA School House EDITED adamsdale

The North Attleborough Historical Society will hold its next meeting on Monday, September 17th at 7:30 PM at the Little Red Schoolhouse.??

The Society invites you to join them for a talk about W. H. Riley & Son, founded in North Attleboro in 1873 by William H. Riley and his son Elmer I. Riley, dealers in coal, wood, straw and building supplies.

The company also did furniture moving and teaming of all kinds. The products and services have changed with the times, but the commitment to service remains.

Sixth generation owner, Mark Allen, and Seventh generation, Jon Allen will tell us the company history and evolution.??

The meeting takes place in the Little Red Schoolhouse next door to the Woodcock Garrison House at 362 North Washington Street in North Attleborough.??

Refreshments will be served following the presentation and a plant donated by Brigg’s Nursery will be raffled.??

This meeting is free and open to the public.