Ryan T. Anderson, Ph.D.
Wednesday, October 3, 2018, 8:00 AM
1 Cranberry Hill, Lexington, MA
Ryan is the William E. Simon senior research fellow at The Heritage Foundation where he researches and writes about marriage, bioethics, religious liberty and political philosophy. He is the founder and editor of Public Discourse, the online journal of the Witherspoon Institute of Princeton, New Jersey. He has appeared on Fox News and other major broadcast networks and his work has appeared in major print media outlets.
In addition, Ryan has authored several books the most recent of which is When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment.
Ryan Anderson, author of When Harry Became Sally, joins us this fall.??
Fortunately for parents, children, counselors, and free speech rights, the Counseling ban failed to make it through the legislature when they adjourned for the summer.
But as with Sanctuary state advocates, and those who beat the drum for higher taxes, the radical leftists advancing this issue will be back.??
They???ll be working through our broken judicial system with its wacky judges as well as through the legislative process. We expect to see cases here in MA like the one in Ohio, where a judge ordered a minor girl taken from her parents and given to her grandparents–because her parents refused to allow her hormone therapy in preparation for a sex change operation.??
We need to be prepared to argue for parental rights, and speak clearly and articulately in opposition to government involvement in the affairs of families and their counselors???which brings us to my summer reading list, and Ryan Anderson’s new book When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Movement.??
On a recent summer vacation, I started reading Anderson???s book, and I am also proud to announce that he will be joining us here in Massachusetts on October 3. Ryan is with the Heritage Foundation and??is a well-known author writing and speaking on social issues for many years.??
I??highly recommend you pick up When Harry Became Sally, particularly if you are the parent of young children or teens. It’s full of valuable insights into the transgender movement, arguments for and against various public policy approaches, and the scientific and factual realities of males and females and childhood gender identity issues.??
Order your copy now, and mark your calendar for breakfast October 3 with Ryan Anderson. Purchase tickets in advance here, as we anticipate they???ll go fast.
Chanel Prunier
P.S. Register today to join us for breakfast October 3 with Ryan Anderson, author of When Harry Became Sally. We look forward to seeing you there!