Saturday, February 22, 2025



Meudon, France: 1900. The sculptor Auguste Rodin ( 1840-1917 ) and the Austrian writer Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) who was his secretary in 1905-1906, in Meudon. ?? Albert Harlingue / Roger-Viollet / The Image Works NOTE: The copyright notice must include "The Image Works" DO NOT SHORTEN THE NAME OF THE COMPANY

Attleboro, MA The Art Lovers Book Club at the Attleboro Arts Museum blends art, culture, and literature through vivid presentations and discussions held in the Museum???s main gallery setting.

An author or subject matter expert opens each meeting with a presentation on, or related to, the text.

Meetings are free of charge and open to the public. On Saturday, April 28th from 2-4pm the Art Lovers Book Club presents You Must Change Your Life: The Story of Rainer Maria Rilke and Auguste Rodin by Rachel Corbett.

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The author will serve as the guest speaker for the meeting??and conduct a signing at the end of the event.

Paris 1902

Renowned sculptor Auguste Rodin has just completed The Thinker. Rainer Maria Rilke is a delicate young visitor from Prague, broke??and suffering from a case of writer???s block. When Rilke is commissioned to write a book about Rodin, everything changes. . .

You Must Change Your Life reveals one of the great stories of modern art and literature: Rodin and Rilke???s years together as master and??disciple, their heartbreaking rift, and ultimately their moving reconciliation.

Rachel Corbett reveals how Rodin???s influence led Rilke to write his most celebrated poems and inspired his beloved Letters to a Young Poet.

She captures the dawn of modernism with appearances by Paul C??zanne, Henri Matisse, Lou Andreas – Salom??, George Bernard Shaw, and Jean Cocteau. And she recounts the remarkable friendship of two extraordinary artists whose work continues to reverberate a century later.

Open To The Public

The April 28th program is open to readers of You Must Change Your Life: The Story of Rainer Maria Rilke and Auguste Rodin as well as those that are simply interested in the artist and poet featured in the book.

Reservations are requested. Call 508-222-2644 x10 or email

Seating is limited.