On Saturday, April 21, the Attleboro Land Trust will hold a spring clean-up at some of its nature preserves in the city. Volunteers are invited to join in this effort. Clean-up activities will run from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon at the following sites:??
–Colman Reservation, on Steere Street
–Larson Woodland, on Riverbank Road across from Willett School
–Nickerson Walking Woods Preserve, on Richardson Avenue??
Volunteers are needed to help clear fallen branches, groom trails, and pick up trash. It would be helpful to bring the following: pruning tools, rakes, shovels, street brooms, and wheelbarrows. Wear work gloves if you have them. Trash bags will be provided. Rain date is Saturday, April 28.??
For more information, email attleborolandtrust@gmail.com or go to attleborolandtrust.org
Also a reminder: There will be a work party at the Richardson Preserve on Wilmarth Street this Saturday, April 14, from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon. The focus will be on repairing boardwalks damaged by winter storms. Heavy lifting will be required.
Wear work gloves and waterproof boots. There will also be some landscape maintenance activities.