Monday, March 3, 2025


Upcoming Themed Tours at Linden Place Mansion

Slave Trade Walking Tour ?? A LINDEN slavetrade4

Tales of the Slave Trade Walking Tour: Learn how Bristol, New England and all of America were impacted by the slave trading DeWolf???s of Linden Place from museum educator, Robin Tremblay. Tremblay has extensively researched Rhode Island???s connections to slavery and has led many tours along Bristol???s slavery trail.??

The tour beings at Linden Place Mansion, continues through the center of historic Bristol and down to the waterfront of Thames Street, pointing out significant sites tied to Bristol???s lengthy and profitable involvement in the slave trade.??

The tour ends at the historic DeWolf Tavern, once a DeWolf waterfront warehouse where your goers will enjoy a rum cocktail. The guided tour will take place on Saturday, April 14, 2018 at 11:00am.??

Reservations are required and the tour is limited to 15 people.

Ladies of Linden Place:

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A special docent-led tour is being offered in celebration of Women???s History Month focusing on the lives of the women who made history at Linden Place Mansion.??

As you tour the 200-year old mansion rooms, the women of Linden Place come alive through portraits, photographs, artifacts and more. Learn about the many generations of DeWolf & Colt women who lived in the mansion, their daily lives and roles of ladies in the 19th and early 20th centuries.??

Admission is $10, free for Linden Place members. Reservations are required and the tour is limited to 22 people.??

For reservations or more information on these tours, please call 401-253-0390 or email