Monday, March 3, 2025


EXHIBIT DATES: May 24th – June 21st, 2018

A PAC Banner_WhoAreWe _1_


CALL TO ARTISTS: Open to all PAC members: long-standing, more recently joined members, and brand new ones. ??Membership needs to be up to date.??

WHAT TO ENTER: One piece of art that holds special significance for you – a favorite; one that represents a break-through effort, an experimental work, a culmination of a theme. ??

Any and all media welcome. Can be small-scale or large. Can be a current work or an earlier one; a finished piece or a work in progress; could even be your sketchbook; the development of an idea; a self portrait or a selfie; your artistic musings or manifesto. ??

Works can be for sale or not for sale.??

Anything goes, as long as it is installation-ready, not over 5′ in any direction, and has not been exhibited previously at PAC.??

For large-scale works, please contact:??

to confirm space availability. ?? ????

Exhibited together, your art will answer the question, WHO ARE WE? ??We hope every member will participate and come to the festive opening reception. ??Invite your friends. It will be a party. Join in the Collaborative spirit.

FEE:??No fee for current members. ??$35 annual fee to become a member or to renew yearly membership. ??Renew or become a member now, here: LINK

Or bring $35 in check or cash to Drop-Off. ??

Drop-Off Dates: ??

Friday May 11th, 4 – 7 pm

Saturday May 12th, 10-12

For 3-D work: ??the gallery has 8 pedestals of varying heights available but we cannot guarantee every 3-D work will get one. ??If you have your own pedestal, please bring it with you to Drop-off.

For work with special installation instructions, please bring written guidelines and hardware.????Or let us know at Drop-Off that you plan to help install your work on??Saturday May 12th, 3 – 5 pm

Opening:??Thursday May 24th, 5:30 – 7:30 pm

Viewer’s Choice Award. ??Raffle. ??Live Bluegrass. Refreshments.