Friday, January 10, 2025


Imagination Playground

Weekly Activities at Providence Children???s Museum

March 18 ??? 25

Imagination Playground

Sunday, March 18 ??? 11:00 AM ??? 2:00 PM

Invent your own ways to play as you stack and build with huge blue foam blocks of all shapes and sizes.?? Using blocks, wheels, spools, tubes and a variety of loose parts, construct castles and forts, create interesting sculptures and more!

Underwritten by Dominion Foundation.

Museum Closed ??? Monday, March 19??

Nature Investigators

C PCM NatureInvestigators

Tuesday, March 20 ??? Friday, March 23 ??? 10:00 AM ??? 3:00 PM

Sort and trace shells and stones, make observations and record your findings to classify a variety of natural objects.

Underwritten by National Grid.

Play and Learn: Animals

Tuesday, March 20 ??? 10:00 AM ??? Noon

Jungle animals in Little Woods? Play and Learn is the Museum???s open-ended story-based program especially for 2- to 4-year-olds and their parents, designed to help preschoolers build their skills in a variety of areas and to help parents continue the learning at home.??

Toddler Try-It

Friday, March 23 ??? 10:00 AM ??? Noon

Nature Investigators explore the shapes and names of natural objects and then sorts them into collections. Young children, ages 18 months to 3 years, use real tools and explore the creative process as they delve into different hands-on art and science activities each Friday morning.

Underwritten by National Grid.

Children’s Theater Weekend:

That’s My Ball- Saturday, March 24 ??? 10:30 AM, 11:30 AM & 12:30 PM

Lost & Found- Sunday, March 25 ??? 10:30 AM, 11:30 AM & 12:30 PM

Join us for one or both of our 15 minute performances of, ???That???s My Ball??? and ???Lost and Found???. Fun and compelling, these interactive skits are designed to provide kids and parents with Empathy skills-building experiences.

Underwritten by Hasbro Foundation and Nancy Worthen in memory of Margaret L. Worthen.

Visit for a full calendar of events.