Monday, February 24, 2025


Weekly Activities at Providence Children???s Museum

March 4 ??? 11


Sunday, March 4 ??? 11:00 AM ??? 2:00 PM

Celebrate Dr. Seuss’ birthday with wonderfully wacky and wild activities facilitated by Museum educators and stupendously silly Seuss stories.

Underwritten by Hasbro Children???s Fund.

Museum Closed ??? Monday, March 5??

Texture Trace

Tuesday, March 6 ??? 10:00 AM ??? 3:00 PM

Engage your sense of touch! Feel, brush, tap and manipulate objects with different textures in sensory activities.

Underwritten by Amgen Foundation.

Play and Learn: Animals

Tuesday, March 6 ??? 10:00 AM ??? Noon

What could it be? Use the sense of touch to guess what is inside the mystery bag. Play and Learn is the Museum???s open-ended story-based program especially for 2- to 4-year-olds and their parents, designed to help preschoolers build their skills in a variety of areas and to help parents continue the learning at home.??

Toddler Try-It

Friday, March 9 ??? 10:00 AM ??? Noon

Explore the results of painting on ice with different tools. Young children, ages 18 months to 3 years, use real tools and explore the creative process as they delve into different hands-on art and science activities each Friday morning.

Doctors at Play

C PCM DoctorsAtPlay

Saturday, March 10 ??? 11:00 AM ??? 2:00 PM

Kids are the doctors today! Use real hospital supplies like bandages and stethoscopes, assemble a doctor’s bag with all the right tools, give a teddy bear a check-up, and find out how it feels to have a cast made on your finger. Presented by Hasbro Children’s Hospital Child Life Services.

Underwritten by Hasbro Children???s Hospital Life Services.

Texture Trace

Sunday, March 11 ??? 10:00 AM ??? 3:00 PM

Engage your sense of touch! Feel, brush, tap and manipulate objects with different textures in sensory activities.

Underwritten by Amgen.

Visit for a full calendar of events.