Monday, March 10, 2025


February Programs for Mass Audubon’s Oak Knoll Wildlife Sanctuary

B OAK KNOLL USE familynaturehike??

Family Nature Hikes at Oak Knoll Wildlife Sanctuary

Sundays, ??Feb. 4 ??? Animal Signs

???? ??March 4 ??? Sounds of Spring

10:30am – 11:30am

Audience:?? Families

Members:?? FREE

Nonmembers: ??$5/person(Max family price of $15)????

Join our Teacher Naturalist for a guided hike of the sanctuary. Hikes happen rain or shine, so please dress accordingly. Backpack babies welcome; not all trails are stroller friendly. ??Please register in advance online at ??or call 508-223-3060. Oak Knoll is located at 1417 Park St, Attleboro, MA.??

Family Owl Prowl

Saturday, Feb. 17

6:00pm – 7:30pm

Audience:?? Families

Members: $10/person

Nonmembers: $12/person??

Owl season is almost upon us.?? Come join Oak Knoll staff to learn about the owls of Massachusetts.?? Start off indoors with an interactive presentation and owl pellet dissection. Then head outside for a night hike to listen for evidence of our feathery friends.??

Sometimes we hear them,?? sometimes we don???t, but we always have a blast! Please register in advance online at ??or call 508-223-3060. Oak Knoll is located at 1417 Park St, Attleboro, MA


Family Science Sunday

Sundays, Feb. 25 ??? Super Spy Science

????Mar. 18 ??? Wonderful Weather

Anytime between 1:00pm – 3:00 pm

Audience: Families

Members: $8/kit

Nonmembers: $10/kit


Join us at the Ottmar Nature Center to conduct your very own hands on science experiment! Each month will feature a different topic?? and a different drop in activity kit. Please register in advance online at ??or call 508-223-3060. Oak Knoll is located at 1417 Park St, Attleboro, MA


Sensory Explorations

Sundays, ??Feb. 11, March 11

10:30am – 11:30am??


Audience: Persons of all ages and abilities!

Members:?? $5/person

Nonmembers: $7/person


Come learn about nature by using your senses at the Ottmar Nature Center! A great location to explore and it???s indoors and heated!?? Our Sensory Exploration series features informal talks, hands on exploration of artifacts, animal encounters, and other activities for individuals of all ages and abilities.?? Please register in advance online at ??or call 508-223-3060. Oak Knoll is located at 1417 Park St, Attleboro, MA


February Vacation Week!

???Home Sciences???

Join the adventure and explore Oak Knoll in winter with our school vacation week programs for children ages 5-12.??

B OAK KNOLL FamilyScienceSundays

This year???s theme is ???Home Sciences???.?? With an emphasis on safety, fun, and teamwork we create memorable moments that last a lifetime.?? Each day includes indoor and outdoor activities, experiments, crafts, and animal encounters! Sign up for one day or all four!


Tue, Feb 20, 2018 8:30 am – 3:30 pm

Kitchen Science – Using the example of the kitchen, we will look at chemical reactions and how nature uses chemistry.


Wed, Feb 21, 2018 8:30 am – 3:30 pm

Garage Science – In this look at physics and engineering we will compare what we do in a garage to how nature uses physics


Thu, Feb 22, 2018 8:30 am – 3:30 pm

Living Room Science – We will spend the day looking at light and sound and playing with both.

??B OAK KNOLL febvacation

Fri, Feb 23, 2018 8:30 am – 3:30 pm

Backyard Science – Create take home projects that you, and wildlife, can enjoy all winter long!


*Extended hours 3:30pm ??? 5:30pm, $20 each day


Audience: Grouped by age (ages 5 – 7 and ages 8 – 12)

Members: $55 per day or discounted rate of $200 for the week

Non-Member: $75 per day or discounted rate of $280 for the week


Please register in advance online at ??or call 508-223-3060. Oak Knoll is located at 1417 Park St, Attleboro, MA??


Michelle Jorgensen

Oak Knoll and Attleboro Springs WIldlife Sanctuaries

1417 Park Street

Attleboro, MA 02703

(508) 223-3060