Monday, March 10, 2025


Statement from Mayor Donald R. Grebien Following the Senate???s Passage of the Enabling Legislation for the Ballpark at Slater Mill

??D DON PAW mayor


???I want to thank the Senate and the Senate Finance Committee for their leadership, consideration, extensive public hearings and testimony allowing the public to weigh in on this transformative public-private partnership over the past several months. Senators Conley, Crowley and Nesselbush, who staunchly represent Pawtucket, as well as President Ruggerio and Majority Leader McCaffery, have given the public immense opportunity to be heard and involved.??

Rhode Islanders said they wanted the PawSox to stay in Pawtucket, Rhode Island where they belong. Rhode Islanders said they didn???t want the money to come out of their wallets. I am proud to say that together we have accomplished that.??

This investment is going to benefit all Rhode Islanders, families, local businesses and our future generations. This is about Pawtucket receiving the same economic development support provided in other districts throughout the state and why so many are supportive of this project. ??

It???s time to keep the PawSox in Pawtucket, Rhode Island and the millions of dollars of revenue that they bring to the state. It???s time to move out from under the dark cloud and lead our state forward. We look forward to this proposal being approved by the full House and signed by the Governor. Let???s continue to move Rhode Island forward and keep the PawSox where they belong.???