Wednesday, March 12, 2025


February is a WILD Time at Audubon!

– School Vacation Week Events –

Audubon Society of Rhode Island

February 2018 Programs and Events for Children and Families

F AudubonFebVacationWeek-ReptilePrograms

(January 8, 2018) ??? Come meet some radical reptiles, awesome owls, amazing hawks and more!?? Vacation week is WILD at Audubon, so bring the kids and join the fun.

Unless noted, registration is required for all programs. A complete listing of activities and programs are detailed in the Audubon Nature Tours and Programs, a free guide to connecting with the natural world.?? For more program details and to register online, visit the events calendar at or call (401) 949-5454 ext. 3014.

Dinosaurs Cousins

Citizens Bank Free Family Fun Day

Audubon Environmental Education Center, Bristol, RI

February 3, 2018; 9:00 am ??? 5:00 pm

Thanks to the Citizens Bank, the Environmental Education Center is open free to the public the first Saturday of every month. Join us for crafts, nature stories, animal discoveries, hikes and more. No need to register!

Take a look at the dinosaur family tree and celebrate our living dinosaur cousins. Explore how eggs, scales, feathers and more link these cousins together, make your own dino-rific craft and meet a dinosaur cousin animal ambassador! Programs and admission are free thanks to the Citizens Bank.

9:00 am to 5:00 pm – Find all ten dinosaur cousins hidden in our exhibit hall and get a prize!

10:00 am – 2:00 pm ??? Dinosaur Cousin Craft Table

10:30 am – Dinosaur Story Time

11:30 am and 2:30 pm ??? Dinosaur Cousin Interview: Meet a reptile or bird.

1:00 pm ??? Eggs, Scales, Feathers, and More: Join us for some roaring science activities to investigate special adaptations that dinosaurs and their cousins share. Audubon Environmental Education Center, 1401 Hope Street, Bristol, RI; Free. Ages: All.

Junior Naturalists for Home-schooled Families

Audubon Environmental Education Center, Bristol, RI

February 13 &14, 2018; 1:30 ??? 3:00 pm

Our popular home-school program now lasts an hour and a half. That means more time for outdoor exploration, so come dressed for the weather.?? Join other home-schooled kids to learn about nature and science. This program will introduce participants to a different topic each class, with hands-on experiments and nature-based activities that are sure to foster a love of the natural world. Classes are limited to 15 children, so please register early. Adult must attend with child.

February 13 and 14, 2018: – Seals, Sea Lions and Conservation

Audubon Environmental Education Center, 1401 Hope Street, Bristol, RI; Fee: $10/member child, $6/member siblings; $12/non-member child, $8/non-member siblings. Ages: 6-12. Register online through the events calendar at

February School Vacation Week

Audubon Environmental Education Center, Bristol, RI

February 19 ??? 23, 2018; 10:00 am ??? 2:00 pm Looking for family fun during February school vacation week? Head to Audubon and learn about how animals live, participate in science investigations, and meet some of our resident animal friends!

Nature Crafts: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm

Nature Story: 10:00 am and 1:00 pm

Special Programs*: 11:00 am

Animal Interview: 1:30 pm

*Nature programs are held each day at 11:00 am and are recommended for ages 6 and up. Free with admission, no registration is required.

Monday, February 19, 2018: Groovy Groundhogs ??? It???s the time of year for groundhogs to peek out of their burrows! Share your love for our furry friends and join us for a day full of activities celebrating this special critter. Make a groundhog-themed craft and experiment with shadows.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018: Radical Reptiles ??? Come celebrate our cold-blooded friends and explore the radical world of reptiles. Kids will participate in activities and games to learn what makes reptiles so special, and make a scaly craft to take home.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018: Awesome Owls ??? We think owls are a hoot! Join us for a day filled with one of our favorite feathered friends as we investigate what makes owls so unique and meet our live owl ambassador. Kids ages 6 and up can try some hands-on science as they dissect an owl pellet.

Thursday, February 22, 2018: Creep, Crawl, and Flutter ??? From butterflies and ants to crabs and spiders, we love things that creep, crawl, and flutter! Join us as we explore the world of arthropods. Kids will play arthropod themed games and even make some scientific investigations about our very own arthropods at the center.

Friday, February 23, 2018: Rock On ??? We dig rocks and minerals! Kids 6 and up will participate in a rock cycle activity made entirely out of candy! Take home a craft that will rock your world. Audubon Environmental Education Center, 1401 Hope Street, Bristol, RI; Free with Admission. Ages: All.