November 20th North Attleborough Historical Society Meeting
The North Attleborough Historical Society will hold its next meeting on Monday, November 20th at 7:30 PM at the Little Red Schoolhouse.?? The Society invites you to join them for a talk on the life of Everett Otis Dexter through the stories of his grandson, E. Otis Dyer and his great granddaughter, Betsey Dyer. E. O.
Dexter was born and brought up ???poorer than a church mouse??? on the farm in Rehoboth that is still in his family.
He learned the brick laying trade and built most of the buildings in downtown Attleboro, including the Congregational Church, Bronson Building, and the Attleboro Library.
With his new-found wealth, E. O. quickly got rid of his horse and bought the first cars from Stanley Steamer (2 of them), two of the original cars in the Attleboro area.
The meeting takes place in the Little Red Schoolhouse next door to the Woodcock Garrison House at 362 North Washington Street in North Attleborough.??
Refreshments will be served following the presentation and a plant donated by Brigg’s Nursery will be raffled.??
This meeting is free and open to the public.