Wednesday, January 15, 2025


Call for artists and jewelers for Save The Bay???s Artists For The Bay Show and Sale

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Now through Monday, November 6, Save The Bay invites local artists and jewelers to submit works of art to be considered for the organization???s annual, juried Artists For The Bay Show and Sale, benefitting Save The Bay???s advocacy, education and restoration programs.

Past shows have included works by Libby Manchester Gilpatric, Richard Harrington, Andrew Haviland, Andrea Valentini, Onne van der Wal, Elinor Thompson and Nick Mayer, among many other talented local artists. For more information, submission guidelines, and entry forms, visit, or contact Leanne Danielsen at or 272-3540, ext. 140.

???One of the things that is so great about this Artists For The Bay Show & Sale, is that each year we strive to engage new artists while at the same time honoring seasoned Rhode Island painters, photographers and artisans so that our attendees have a broad range of art to purchase,??? says Leanne Danielsen, Save The Bay events manager.

???We partner with artists from many mediums and a variety of backgrounds who generously support our mission to protect and improve the Narragansett Bay by donating 50 percent of art sales to Save The Bay.??? Artists may submit up to eight pieces, including paintings, photography, wall sculpture, pottery and jewelry, depicting any subject.

Paintings and photography should be framed and ready to hang, up to 18??? x 18???.

Sculpture should be suitable for pillar display.

Save The Bay welcomes art of any price, up to $500.

Submissions can be made electronically or by mail. ???Having my artwork at the Artists for The Bay Show and Sale not only gives exposure of my artwork to a different crowd, but also is a way for me to support this great organization that has had such a very positive effect on Rhode Islander???s ability to enjoy Narragansett Bay,??? says sculptor and painter Elinor Thompson.

Generously sponsored by various organizations, including lead sponsor Avalon Trust, as part of a year-long partnership with Save The Bay, the Artists For The Bay Show and Sale Opening Reception will take place on Thursday, Nov. 30 from 6 ??? 8:30 p.m. at The Bay Center in Providence.

The show is open to the public and runs through Jan. 27 with a closing reception held on Saturday, Jan. 27 from 11 a.m. ??? 3 p.m.

While the artwork is on display, community members can visit the Save The Bay Center to look at and purchase artwork during normal business hours or by appointment. Fifty percent of all art sales supports Save The Bay???s advocacy, education and restoration efforts.

???Thanks to Save The Bay, whose mission is to protect and improve Narragansett Bay, the Osprey population in Rhode Island is booming! It feels great to team with Save The Bay for a great cause along with many other talented artists,??? says Rhode Island nature photographer, Peter Green.

Tickets for the opening reception are $40 and include local food, beer, wine, live music and desserts. Guests will find a wide range of artwork in the gallery ranging from elegant seascapes to whimsical mixed media pieces.

For more information, submission guidelines, and entry forms, visit, or contact Leanne Danielsen at or 272-3540, ext. 140.

Founded in 1970, Save The Bay works to protect and improve Narragansett Bay and its watershed through advocacy, education, and restoration efforts. It envisions a fully swimmable, fishable, healthy Narragansett Bay, accessible to everyone and globally recognized as an environmental treasure.