Saturday, January 11, 2025


???Vampires of Rhode Island: The Real and the Fake??? at the Weaver Library

??F WEAVER edited

Charlie Harrington has been writing about the historical and the strange for over a decade. A graduate of Roger Williams University, he published a Guidebook to Haunted and Strange Places in Rhode Island and Surrounds in 2016.

A JOY Guidebook_

On Monday, October 30, 2017 at 7pm, Harrington takes on Rhode Island???s vampires in a talk at the Weaver Library. ??He will cover Rhode Island???s well-known vampire Mercy Brown as well as the vampire scare in New England. Harrington looks at how myths are formed and discusses the case of Nelly Vaughn, who appears to be a rather irate ghost because she has been called a vampire. Various errors by “vampire hunters” have led to her grave being mistaken as being the remains of a vampire.??

A vampire lecture (and Harrington???s Guidebook) couldn???t come at a better time of year!

Weaver Library is located at 41 Grove Avenue, East Providence, RI. Questions? Call 401-434-2453. This program is free and open to all. Books will be available for purchase from Books on the Square.