Thursday, February 13, 2025


National Adult Day Services Week Celebrations Observed at Community VNA Adult Day Health Centers

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You are at work trying to concentrate, and the only thing on your mind is your elderly mother, wondering if she is safe, by herself, at home. You need to run errands, but your father-in-law, who lives with you, requires constant supervision. What are your options?

Community VNA???s Adult Day Health Centers may offer the solution you need. Adult Day services provide caregivers the chance to take care of other responsibilities while their elderly loved ones have an interesting, safe place to spend time.

???September 17-23 is National Adult Day Services Week, a welcomed opportunity to make people aware of the kinds of services that are available in our communities,??? says Dawn Sullivan, RN, Clinical Director and Chief Operatng Officer at Community VNA??, who oversees the agency???s three Adult Day Health Centers.

Programs are specially designed for elderly and physically frail individuals with special medical needs such as diabetes, hypertension and post-stroke disabilites, and those with mental health challenges such as Alzheimer???s disease and other forms of dementa.

The goal is to be an extension of the home environment with caring personalized service. As an example, at all three of Community VNA???s Adult Day Health Centers (Mansfield, Norwood, and Taunton), staff members develop a comprehensive coordinated treatment plan, in consultaton with their private physicians, for each partcipant.

Nursing services, medical supervision, rehabilitaton services and social services can all be coordinated, and special care is available for both physically handicapped and mentally impaired clients.

Professional nursing is a strong component of Adult Day Health Care. Vital signs, such as blood pressure are monitored, treatments are performed, medicaton is supervised, and many other nursing services are available. Personal assistance, including bathing and toiletng, is given to partcipants as needed.

Well-trained specialists lead dynamic actvites programs, which include arts and crafts, intergeneratonal programs, music, cooking classes, exercise sessions, movies, discussion groups, live entertainment and trips into the community. Each actvity is developed to suit partcipant’s special interests.

The actvites program is designed to provide a high degree of socializaton and encourage friendships. A stimulatng and fun-filled environment provides the best quality of life possible for participants.

???Keeping an elderly loved one at home for as long as possible is a goal that many families share,??? adds Sullivan. ???This is a terrific way to make that happen while giving adult children, spouses, and other caregivers a respite from 24-hour responsibility.

Adult Day Health Centers provide an alternatve to expensive in-home care, and the assurance that loved ones receive needed nursing, medical and social care.???

Each Center offers transportaton services with specially equipped vans for the physically challenged. A light breakfast, a nutritous lunch, and an afternoon snack are served. Assistance with eatng is provided, and special dietary requirements can be accommodated.

Community VNA???s three Adult Day Health Center programs will observe Natonal Adult Day Services Week, with planned actvites at each locaton. The theme for this year is ???Celebratng Diversity in Adult Day Services.???

The three program locatons are:

Mansfield Adult Day Health Center, 300 Branch Street, Mansfield, MA 02048

Harmony Adult Day Health Center, 725A Myles Standish Boulevard, Taunton, MA 02780

Norwood Adult Day Health Center, 595 Pleasant Street, Norwood, MA 02062.

Activities are planned at each Center to celebrate the week:

Mansfield Adult Day Health Center

??? Carnival Monday, Celebrate the 60???s Tuesday, PJ Party Wednesday, Celebrate the 70???s Thursday, Hawaii Friday.

Harmony Adult Day Health Center

Monday ??? create your own T-Shirt, Tuesday ??? ethnic cooking group, Wednesday ??? Giving Back Day with partcipants bringing a treat to a local fire department and raising money for Community VNA???s Alzheimer???s Walk Team, Thursday ??? classic movie and activites featuring older Americans, Friday ??? diversity day featuring music and foods from different cultures.

Norwood Adult Day Health Center

Monday ??? Diversity Poster and Tree, Tuesday, Russ Morency, entertainer, Wednesday, Presentaton of Diversity Tree, Thursday, ice cream social, Friday ??? Adult Day Health Spirit Day.

For more informaton about Community VNA or its Adult Day Health Centers, call 800.220.0110 or 508.222.0118. Visit us online at

About Community VNA

Community VNA has been dedicated to enhancing health, wellness and quality of life for more than 100 years, providing a range of services, including: Home Health Care, Hospice Care, Palliatve Care, Private Care, Adult Day Health Care, Alzheimer???s Assistance Program, as well as Lifeline services and annual Elder Dental Clinics. Community VNA has been awarded 2016 Home Care Elite Status (ranked among the top 25% of home health care agencies natonwide) marking the sixth year of this recogniton. This recogniton is based on publicly available performance measures in quality outcomes, best practce implementng patent experience, quality improvement and consistency, and financial performance.