Henna for Kids and Stories from India
Pawtucket Library
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
4:00pm-5:00pm Campbell Auditorium????
Discover the art of Henna at the Pawtucket Public Library on Wednesday, July 26th at 4:00pm in the Campbell Auditorium.
Kids ages 7-12 and their families are invited to the library to hear stories from India and learn about the art and cultural significance of Henna body art. ??
Two Henna tattoo artists will be available to create Henna art on each child???s hand. ??
This free program has been made possible through the Kids Reading Across RI program from the RI Center for the Book.
The first 15 kids to attend the event will also receive a free paperback copy of Save Me a Seat by Sarah Weeks and Gita Varadarajan.
Save Me a Seat, the 2017 Kids Reading Across RI selection, tells the story of two fifth grade classmates, Ravi, who just moved to the US from India and Joe, who struggles with fitting in. ??
The program is free and no registration is required. ??
For more information, call 401-725-3714, ext. 209, or e-mail rperron@pawtucketlibrary.org.