Friday, January 17, 2025


Governor Raimondo’s Statement on the Immoral Senate Trumpcare Bill

A RI EDITED statehouse_night

PROVIDENCE, R.I. – ??Governor Gina M. Raimondo has made the following statement regarding the proposed Senate Trumpcare Bill:

“Congressional Republicans are trying to pass an immoral piece of legislation and they’re hoping that no one notices.

The Affordable Care Act is working in Rhode Island.

100,000 Rhode Islanders count on the ACA for access to life-saving health coverage. The Senate TrumpCare proposal is just as ‘mean’ as the House version and puts American and Rhode Island lives at risk so millionaires and billionaires can get a tax cut.

I stand with hundreds of thousands of Rhode Islanders, including Senators Reed and Whitehouse and Congressmen Langevin and Cicilline in vocal, active opposition to this disastrous proposal.”

??Visit Governor Raimondo’s Website