Wednesday, January 15, 2025



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The gallery space at the Block Island Airport is accepting art submissions for their 2018 exhibitions.?? The gallery program is a partnership between RISCA and the Rhode Island Airport Corporation, to promote outstanding work by artists living and working in Rhode Island.?? The gallery at the Block Island Airport will present art to an ever-changing audience of local, national and international travelers.

Works in all media will be considered.?? Note that the Block Island Airport Gallery is best suited to moderately-sized works. ??The Block Island Airport presents four artists per year in solo exhibitions. Artists included in the 2018 exhibitions will receive a $100 stipend for participating in the program.

Eligibility:?? All participating artists must be Rhode Island residents.?? No students please. Resident Block Island artists are encouraged to apply.

Artists are encouraged to apply to the gallery even if they have applied in previous years and not been selected. Artists who have exhibited previously are ineligible for new consideration for a period of two years.

Entry Deadline:?? September 5, 2017

Apply: please submit the following via email:

-A link to your current web site that includes images with captions (title, year, media, size), a current bio and artist???s statement;


-A link to a Flickr page showing images of one???s artwork with captions?? (title, year, media, size) and attach to the email a current bio and artist???s statement.

Please email submissions to ??Please note ???Block Island Airport Gallery??? in the subject line of the email.

If selected, artists agree to suitably frame, wire or otherwise prepare their artwork for display at their own expense. Works for Block Island must be 34??? x 46??? or smaller, and packaged by the artist for safe transport via ferry. Artwork is hung at gallery coordinator???s discretion, and gallery coordinator reserves the right of final selection of artwork and approval of installation. Artwork is not insured by the galleries during exhibition; artists are encouraged to carry their own insurance. Artwork may be listed for sale if desired, and any sales are direct without commission to the galleries.

To learn more about this opportunity and view photos of the exhibition space, please visit: and

Please address any questions regarding this call to Molly Dickinson, Coordinator, at or 401-845-0890.

About RISCA:???

The Rhode Island State Council on the Arts is a state agency supported by appropriations from the Rhode Island General Assembly and grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency. RISCA provides grants, technical assistance and staff support to arts organizations and artists, schools, community centers, social service organizations and local governments to bring the arts into the lives of Rhode Islanders.???

About RIAC:???

The Rhode Island Airport Corporation operates T.F. Green Airport and the five general aviation airports in Rhode Island.?? A long-time supporter of public art in Rhode Island, the Rhode Island Airport Corporation has worked with the Rhode Island State Council on the Arts on a number of public art commissions for T. F. Green Airport and Block Island Airport.