June 4 Armory Animated by Art Schedule Update
Artists, performers and community groups unite for PVDFest grand finale at the Cranston Street Armory
1:00 PM????RISD Art Circle Program Mini-Armory exhibition 1:00 PM????Camera Obscura??art installation by pnue.haus
1:00 PM????NEW TIME:??Community MusicWorks Fantas??a at the Armory – a??20th Season Reunion Celebration with Gonzalo Grau, Johnny Gandelsman and special guests
1:00-5:30 PM?? Tours of the Cranston Street Armory by West Broadway Neighborhood Association in partnership with the State of Rhode Island. Sign up on-site – first come, first served!
3:00 PM?? Live painting performance by Paul M Cot?? 3:00 PM??En Masse led by Daniel Bernard Roumain (DBR) Featuring: Becky Bass, Extraordinary Rendition Band, What Cheer? Brigade and local youth music groups.
We can???t think of a better way to close out PVDFest, so round up??your family, friends (and a blanket or lawn chair) and join us on the West Side.