Monday, March 17, 2025


Upcoming events for Memorial Day

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Please feel free to share the following information with your staff and also any mailing lists you maintain for members of the community.?? There???s a lot going on for Memorial Day this year!?? Here???s a brief rundown of the events planned during the holiday weekend:

Sunday, May 28th

8:00am @ Hillside Cemetery ??? Sunrise Service

???????????????????????????? The oldest continuing ceremony in Attleboro; we will continue the 135+ year old tradition of gathering at the Hillside Ceremony to honor our fallen service members.?? There will be a short speaking agenda and a military tribute.?? Coffee and Donuts will be served.

9:30am @ Lee???s Pond, South Attleboro Veteran???s Memorial Park

???????????????????????????? Veterans and residents of Attleboro will gather at the Veteran???s Memorial Pavilion in South Attleboro to reflect upon the importance of community, to acknowledge the freedoms that we enjoy, and to honor those who fought to protect them.

11:00am @ Woodlawn Cemetery ??? Visit the G.A.R. Memorial and Honor our Medal of Honor Recipient

???????????????????????????? Woodlawn Cemetery is home to the historic G.A.R. Memorial dedicated to the Attleboro???s soldiers of the Civil War.?? It is also home to Sergeant Thomas K. Gay, Attleboro???s singular Medal of Honor recipient.?? We will take the opportunity to offer a salute to Sgt Gay???s heroism, read the citation for his Medal of Honor, and plant a special flag at his gravesite.

12 Noon @ Veteran???s Memorial Common ??? 25th Anniversary of the Veteran???s Memorial Common

???????????????????????????? In recognition of the 25th Anniversary of the Veteran???s Memorial Common as it exists today, we???re doing a few things to mark the occasion.?? We will be decorating the Veteran???s Memorial Common with one flag for every veteran???s name which appears on the memorial to create a Field of Honor.?? We???ve also partnered with the Attleboro High School to design a commemorative military challenge coin.?? We will conduct a coining ceremony to issue the commemorative coins to veterans whose name appears on the Attleboro Honor Roll.?? We will gather at Gilbert-Perry Square in Downtown Attleboro on Sunday at Noon to honor and thank the veterans from Attleboro for their service and sacrifice in defense of our nation.?? Our special guest speaker for the event is Paul Spera, Attleboro Resident and Past National Commander of the VFW.?? We hope to have as many veterans attend this event as possible; especially those veterans whose name appears on the Attleboro Honor Roll.

Monday, May 29th

10:00am @ Downtown Attleboro ??? Memorial Day Parade

???????????????????????????? The annual Memorial Day Parade this year will step off promptly at 10am.?? The parade route is approximately 1.5 miles, and proceeds through Downtown Attleboro to Capron Park. ????The exact parade route can be found here: ??Over 40 different units, organizations, or parade participants have confirmed that they will be in attendance.?? The Grand Marshall for this year???s Memorial Day Parade will be Tom Tullie, retired Veteran???s Agent for the City of Attleboro.?? There will be a float and multiple vehicles for veterans to ride in who feel they are unable to march the parade route unassisted.?? All veterans are welcome and encouraged to participate in the parade; contact the Attleboro Department of Veterans??? Services at City Hall.????

11:30am @ Capron Park ??? Memorial Day Observance Ceremony

???????????????????????????? Immediately following the parade we will hold a traditional ceremony at the Veterans Memorial Triangle, with a short speaking agenda and a military tribute.?? Special this year as our keynote speaker is Brigadier General James LeFavor, Commander of the Massachusetts Air National Guard.

1:00pm @ American Legion Post 312 in South Attleboro ??? Collation & Open House

???????????????????????????? The American Legion on Newport Avenue in South Attleboro will be open to the public for free hotdogs, hamburgers, and light refreshments.

Please join us for any or all of these events, as they are all open to the public!

You are welcome to contact me with any questions you may have.

Thank you for your patriotism,

Ken Badertscher, Director

Department of Veterans Services | City of Attleboro

Phone: 508-223-2222 x3282

Fax: 774-203-1893