Saturday, March 15, 2025



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WESTWOOD, MA – Commencement exercises for Xaverian Brothers High School???s 51st graduating class, the Class of 2017, were held on Friday, May 19. The ceremony took place on Xaverian???s Varsity Field at 6:00 p.m. Headmaster Brother Daniel Skala, C.F.X. (Westwood, MA) conferred diplomas to 174 graduating seniors, as well as academic medals.

Speakers during the commencement exercises included Brother Dan, Dr. Jacob Conca ???94 (South Grafton, MA), Xaverian???s Principal, the Valedictorian, Hariharan Shanmugam (Hopkinton, MA), and the Salutatorian, Jackson Kelley (Medfield, MA). In his remarks to the senior class, Brother Dan offered encouragement and challenge: ???With your Xaverian education, you have become empowered to go forth, to find your mission, to be compassionate leaders who offer mercy and healing love to all men and women, especially those on the margins of our world. Though the challenges are great and you may feel unprepared, God does not leave you alone. God sends you people who will support you just as He has through your time at Xaverian. You might be the few in your generation who will make all the difference in the world.???

Xaverian???s Valedictorian, Hariharan (Harry) Shanmugan, is President of the Xaverian chapter of the National Honor Society and a member of the National Spanish Honor Society. He served as Captain of the Speech and Debate team, Community Outreach Director of the Young Men for Change group, Editor-in-Chief for the school???s literary magazine, The Concordian, and Captain of the Model UN Club. Harry was awarded six academic medals during commencement. Award recipients are selected by the faculty, based on their grades and performance. Harry???s six Gold Medals were for excellence in Theology, English, Mathematics, World Languages, Science, and Social Studies. He is a National Merit Finalist. Harry will attend Boston College.

In his Valedictory address, Harry spoke about finding one???s true calling and pursuing it with passion: ???The breadth and depth of talent in this class is amazing, and I am confident that an integral part of our calling is to share that light with others. Whether it be as a father coaching your son???s little league game, as a police officer serving your local community, as a doctor saving lives around the world, or in any other manner your calling presents itself, I am confident that we will all find a way to use the light within and set the world aflame. And armed with our education and our experiences, as we all do our part with our own, unique calling, we will have brought Xaverian to the world.???

Xaverian???s Salutatorian, Jackson Kelley, is a member of the National Honor Society and the National Chinese Honor Society. He was a championship member of the Speech and Debate team. Jackson was also the Director of the Young Men for Change Club, and a Spirit Hawk Leader in the Campus Ministry program. In addition to the Salutatorian medal Jackson was awarded at graduation, he was also given the Loyalty and Service Award, for his generous and focused service to the community. Jackson chose to use his Salutatorian address to talk about a question he was posed as a freshman – ???what makes Xaverian unique???? He learned the answer is the brotherhood between the students, the sincere concern for each and every member of the community shares for each other, and the uniquely vested interest that the teachers have in their students. Jackson will be attending Vanderbilt University.

Each year, the members of the graduating class and faculty nominate a senior for the Xaverian Award, the highest honor bestowed. This year???s Xaverian Award winner is Timothy Simoes (Hopkinton, MA). The Xaverian Medal is a recognition of the unique contributions of a graduating senior, which speak to the mission and core values of a Xaverian Brothers education. According to Brother Dan, Timothy is ???an exceptional young man, a person of integrity, and humility, a true leader who makes real and apparent the values and spirit of Xaverian. A scholar, an athlete, a peer mentor, and tutor, he is a superb role model who makes others feel welcome and important. He inspires all of us to live by the highest ideals of a Xaverian education.???

Timothy will attend the United States Military Academy.

In addition to the celebration of the Class of 2017, Members of Xaverian Brothers High School???s first graduating class, the Class of 1967, were honored during the commencement exercises. This year marks the 50th reunion for the Class of 1967, 39 of whom came back to campus and marched in the graduation procession. They enjoyed a post-graduation reunion on Friday evening, as well as a Mass and Brunch the following morning, Saturday, May 20.

???Throughout our history, Xaverian has attracted talented young men like those in the Class of 1967 and the Class of 2017,??? said Brother Dan. ???Graduates, as you leave Xaverian, I hope you carry a deep appreciation of the values and traditions that are everlasting, as well as a willingness to be bold and to approach whatever challenges you face with fresh perspectives. Graduates and members of the Class of 1967, I can promise you two things. First, you will always be in our prayers here at Xaverian. And, second, wherever your path leads, you will always have a home at Xaverian and always be welcome here.???

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***The following are the graduates of Xaverian???s Class of 2017, sorted by city of residence. College enrollments are self-reported as of May 11. Students with parents in multiple residences are listed under both cities/towns.***


??Joshua Gravel, son of Wilbrod and Belkis Gravel

??Conor McSheffrey, son of Sean McSheffrey and Susan McSheffrey He will be attending United States Merchant Marine Academy. (dual addresses in Brockton and Attleboro)

??Jacob Piccuito, son of Lee Lassow and Jeanne Piccuito????He will be attending Occidental College. (dual addresses in Attleboro and Woburn)


Mekhi Henderson, son of Carnell Henderson and Elizabeth Santana??????????He will be attending Bryant University. (dual addresses, Cumberland and Woonsocket)


Daniel Brown, son of Thomas and Maureen Brown??????????He will be attending Nichols College.

William Daly, son of Stephen Daly and Barbara Daly??????????He will be attending Assumption College.

Matthew McKenzie, son of Erik and Josephine McKenzie??????????He will be attending Siena College.

Daniel Milhollen, son of Michael Milhollen and Marietta Milhollen??????????He will be attending Denison University.

Nathaniel Parkman, son of Theodore and Rachel Parkman??????????He will be attending Colgate University.

Gavin Richard, son of Eric and Colleen Richard??????????He will be attending University of Rhode Island.

Joseph Rombalski, son of Patrick and Helen Rombalski??????????He will be attending University of Notre Dame.

Sean Sperzel, son of James and Kerri Sperzel????????He will be attending Pennsylvania State University.

??Chase White, son of David and Jennifer White????????He will be attending Saint Michael’s College.


Mackenzie Baratta, son of Christopher Baratta and Mary Pope-Baratta????????He will be attending Sacred Heart University.

Liam Cashman, son of Brian and Julie Cashman????????He will be attending Fairfield University.

Christopher Coyle, son of Matthew and Pamela Coyle????????He will be attending University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

Ryan McCormick, son of Kevin and Michele McCormick????????He will be attending University of New Hampshire at Durham.

Aaron Messier, son of Jeffrey and Sally Messier??????He will be attending Eckerd College.

Cal Oberlander, son of David and Beth Oberlander????????He will be attending Brown University.

Langston Puller, son of A. Damien Puller and Wendy Allmendinger????????He will be attending Amherst College. (dual addresses in Mansfield and North Attleboro)

Thomas Underwood, son of Edward Underwood and Mary Valentino????????He will be attending Northeastern University.

Ryan West, son of Joseph and Christine West????????He will be attending Wake Forest University.


Kevin Longmoore, son of David and Susan Longmoore????????He will be attending Providence College.

Peter Mackey, son of Lance and Karoline Mackey????????He will be attending Providence College.

James Ralff, son of Kenneth and Theresa Ralff????????He will be attending Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Benjamin Seymour, son of Donald and Pamela Seymour????????He will be attending University of New Hampshire.

Michael Stone, son of Dennis and Diane Stone????????He will be attending Saint Joseph’s University.

Conor Sullivan, son of William and Susan Sullivan????????He will be attending Sacred Heart University.

North Attleboro

Joseph Landry, son of Roy and Michelle Landry????????He will be attending Boston College.

Langston Puller, son of A. Damien Puller and Wendy Allmendinger????????He will be attending Amherst College. (dual addresses in Mansfield and North Attleboro)


Aidan McLaughlin, son of John and Pamela McLaughlin????????He will be attending Bates College.


Jacob Zomick, son of Bruce Zomick and Karen Licker (dual addresses in Taunton and Easton)


Drew Miller, son of James and June Miller????????He will be attending College of the Holy Cross.

??Xaverian Brothers High School is a Catholic, college-prep day school for boys in Grades 7-12. For more than 50 years, Xaverian has been at the forefront of Catholic education, challenging young men to become their best; not just as students but as leaders of strong faith and character. For more information visit